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2 月 6 日聯合晚報的一則「英女王今登基 60 年」報導,內容是:英國朝野 6 日熱烈展開長達半年的盛大活動,慶祝女王 伊麗莎白二世 登基 60 周年,女王 5 日前往諾福克郡桑德林罕的教堂作禮拜,並以書面發表登基鑽禧 (Diamond Jubilee) 感言 ......

底下就是 2 月 6 日聯合晚報報導

不過引起 無限台南 側目的是上述報導中的那枚 1ST 郵票 (右圖),因之前寫『2078.不會動的清明上河圖』和『2118.舊郵票之中國民間故事』文章時,整理兒時的集郵冊就看到了不少 伊麗莎白二世 大頭貼。

不過只有左邊這一張沒有標示原產地是來自原產地 (1952 ~ 1954 發行),其餘都是來自日不落帝國的殖民地:香港、新加坡、澳大利亞。


連結到英國的「皇家郵政集團有限公司 / Royal Mail Group Limited」的「皇家郵政 / Royal Mail」,找找看有否與上面香港郵票 伊麗莎白二世 圖像相同的郵票,找到了:

The House of Windsor / 溫莎王室
(Issue Date - 2nd February 2012)

This great Royal House began with the name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was changed to Windsor by George V’s Royal Proclamation in 1917, in order to emphasise the Britishness of the Monarchy at the height of the First World War.

The House of Windsor has now reigned for over a century of great achievements and dramatic events. Despite the turbulence of two world wars and the constitutional crisis of the abdication, it has done so with enormous dignity.

Therefore we are proud to present this Special issue as Britain prepares to celebrate only the second ever Diamond Jubilee in history; the first being that of Queen Victoria, the great-great- Grandmother of Her Majesty The Queen.

上右一 Edward VIII / 愛德華八世 即是「不愛江山愛 人妻 美人」的溫莎公爵。

下左的 George VI / 喬治六世,去年的第 83 屆奧斯卡金像獎最大贏家,奪下了最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳男主角、最佳原著劇本四項大獎的「THE KING'S SPEECH - 王者之聲:宣戰時刻」(右圖為電影海報) 的故事主人翁。

下右的 Elizabeth II / 伊麗莎白二世和香港郵票同一張圖:

Elizabeth II is the constitutional monarch of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis. As Head of the Commonwealth, she is the figurehead of the 54-member Commonwealth of Nations; as the British monarch, she is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

The Kings and Queens, House of Windsor Stamps Technical Details:

FeatureType / Detail
Number of stampsFive
DesignAtelier Works
Acknowledgements...Edward VII, 1902, and George V, c.1911, by Sir Luke Fildes, The Royal Collection © 2011 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II; Edward VIII, c.1920, Reginald Grenville Eves © National Portrait Gallery, London; George VI, c.1949–52, Denis Quintin Fildes © reserved/The Royal Collection; Queen Elizabeth II (b.1926), 1954 (oil on canvas), Fishmongers’ Hall, London, UK/The Bridgeman Art Library, portrait by Pietro Annigoni, Camera Press London
Stamp FormatPortrait
Stamp Size27mm x 37mm
PrinterCartor Security Printing, Meaucé, France
Print ProcessLithography
Number per Sheet25/50
Perforations14 x 14
PhosphorBars as Approriate



另外也發現了兩枚英國王室其他成員的郵票,一枚是 喬治六世 的英國郵票,兩枚是新婚紀念:下左這枚是 1973 年 11 月 14 日 安妮公主 下嫁 馬克菲利浦斯 的香港郵票,下右邊則是 1981 年 7 月 29 日 查爾斯王子 迎娶 黛安娜 王妃的迦納 (非洲西部的一個國家) 郵票:


PS+2:下圖為英國皇家郵政 / Royal Mail推出應景女王登基 60 周年系列之一的 DIAMOND JUBLEE 套票:

PS+3:下圖是 2008.12.10 收到住荷蘭的格友 Susanna 到英國旅遊,寄來倫敦鐵橋明信片的郵票:

1021.倫敦鐵橋 + Happy 牛 Year
1396.無限綠林好漢之三 (文藝篇)
1836.第 83 屆奧斯卡金像獎
302.金援拼外交 - 前傳
303. sugar-showgirl
304. Backkom 動畫第八彈 – Taking Picture
713.茶壺 – 未命名之三


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